Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Make the Amazon Associate Program Work for You

You can earn a great living as an Amazon Associate fairly easily if you are ready to work hard, aren't easily discouraged and have a good level of commitment. The early stages are going to seem complicated and hard to understand but as you learn you will see that all you need to earn a great living as an Amazon Associate is the right approach. Regardless of whether you are producing a webinar about Profit Insiders
or any other topic, it is critical that you focus on quality.

Raise Your Conversion Rate with Product Reviews: One of the primary goals of every Amazon Associate is to get as high a click through rate (or CTR) as possible so that more sales can be made. And the best way to go about this is to write a quality product review that is related to your product's niche since your target audience will be able to find you more easily, and will have a good reason to buy from you. Try to remember that your reviews need to be well written and offer a good and clear picture to your readers. The review needs to be honest because honesty is what helps your readers learn to trust and respect you. A really effective review will be one that is unbiased and straightforward and one of the best ways to accomplish this is to ask the manufacturer to send you a demo unit so that you have firsthand knowledge of what you are reviewing.

Write a Regular Deals Feature: Bloggers can make more money by including regular "deals" based posts in their sites--posts that highlight the best deals available for the people who are reading your site. This means that you'll be posting regularly about the best values in your market. How often are you able to actually publish this type of blog post? That is going to depend upon how often your readers want to be updated (or not) about such things but nobody ever went wrong by starting with a schedule of once a week. As an example, if your webinar is about Chronic Commissions Review then make certain that you function on communicating and maintain the flow.

Publish Your Own Bestseller List: Thanks to the bestseller page that Amazon offers to its shoppers to help them find the best products based on their chosen markets, it is very easy to shop on You can easily make a list of five to ten products of this ilk on your own site and get some good results from it. A quick way to increase revenue is to publish one of these "Bestseller Lists" on your own site and mention which products are currently trending elsewhere. Amazon tells you exactly which products are the best sellers and which are the most likely to actually be bought by site visitors.

Try to remember that if you are just sending people to Amazon you could be making money here and there, even if they don't buy the product that you have recommended. You can make money even if your only focus is sending people into the system. Even if your subject is related to Commission Black OPS Review you'll have the ability to develop a much better webinar.

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